Nat Geo story won Feature Picture Story of the Year!

# # # # # # # # March 21, 2017

The National Geographic story “Unplugging the Selfie Generation”, won 1st Place Feature Picture Story of the Year.
A one-year documentary photo story about millennials and their exploration of the National Parks today, by Corey Arnold.
Anne Cecilie was featured on National Geographics Instagram on her many travels abroad, exploring some of the parks.

Hit Click–> Picture Story of the Year

1 million views on National Geographic´s Instagram

# # # # # # # # # # # # January 3, 2017

Anne Cecilie was part of National Geographics big story in 2016 while visiting and exploring the beautiful nature of some of the National Parks.
Check out the video, and pics on their Instagram –> National Geographic

To read the full story: http://Can the Selfie Generation Unplug and Get into Parks? National Geographic Cover Story Oct. 2016

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